Centralize Content Management
Providing virtually unlimited scalability and flexibility, Mobius, an industry leading ECM solution, enables the centralization and consolidation of all MiFID2 and Non-MiFID2 related record-keeping activities in one infrastructure, reducing costs while maintaining integrated access to all available information and a single view to transactions, customers and activities.
Reduce Operational Complexity: By implementing a centralized service point for record-keeping, your organization’s different business areas can offload duplicative tasks and share infrastructure, headcount and software costs. By reducing data islands and silos, you can have more streamlined operations for the critical task of MIFID2 record-keeping.
Systemic Institutional Memory of Archiving Operations
A centralized system eliminates the need to implement multiple ad-hoc and utility software instances and then track their data processing with spreadsheets, the method of default by most organizations. Spreadsheets are not built to systematically manage information systems for the long term. Personnel and organizations change. Having a dedicated Information System to manage archiving operations is critical to managing and complying with MIFID2 record-keeping requirements over the long term.
Risk Management: Blackout Monitoring & Alerts
As a centralized service point collecting documents for record-keeping, Arkivy and Mobius are in the unique position of being able to measure historical volumes and determine if current volumes warrant alert if there is a reduction in expected data. This helps ensure immediate action is taken to prevent content archiving blackouts – a significant risk in large, complex environments.
Methodical Content Distribution
Getting data into the archive is only one half of the operational burden. Sharing content amongst systems is also very important. Sharing MIFID2 reference data helps reduce the cost of providing analytics from external data marts. Knowing who requested content, how much and what they got are important for governance and data leakage prevention. This will be especially important for private data under the forthcoming GDPR regulation. With Mobius & Arkivy, you will know all relevant information about the consumption of your MIFID2 records.
Archive Nexus AG
Wehrlisteig 17
CH-8049 Zurich,
Tel: +41 44 586 60 10
Enterprise ID: CHE-476.176.840
Federal ID: CH-
VAT ID: CHE-476.176.840 MWST